

Last Friday I went to the Curzon cinema, my new London favourite. I went to the cinema for the purpose of seeing the new movie Drive, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, and starring Ryan Gosling.

What originally intrigued me about the movie was the trailer (click here), which was in a genre of it's own, with the music, the imagery and it's overall style.

The movie looked very cool.

As I walked out, I thought to myself, "my god, I need a toothpick", all the while chanting the words of the final song of the film, 'A Real Hero' by College. Needless to say, the first thing I did when I got home was download the soundtrack for the movie. The soundtrack was amazing, composed by Cliff Martinez, starting with electronic heroes such as Kavinsky and Lovefoxx, traveling towards beats from Chromatics, tracks composed by Cliff Martinez himself, and gentler electronic music from College, one of my personal favourites. It is what you will imagine when I say the words "driving music," thumping inside your head, reflecting the different tensions that you feel inside your body.

The movie itself was a whole new twist to driving movies. Forget about Fast and the Furious, you need to see Drive. The driving stunts were incredible, with the cars movements documented accurately and the stunts themselves executed to perfection.

Ryan Gosling is the definition of cool in this movie, and by the time it's over, you'll be searching the internet for driving gloves and a sating scorpion jacket. He's simple and quiet, saying only what is necessary, otherwise only reacting through strong body language, however without being pompous and cocky. He stands his ground, and protects the people he cares for. He plays a man only known as "Driver", who is hollywood driving stuntman by day, getaway driver at night.

The plot itself makes the character of the Driver grow second by second, as he takes on responsibilities that are not his, and comes out on top. The film is basically about a driving job gone wrong, with Gosling behind the wheel needing to step up and take care of the situation. The action that follows is nothing short of awesome, including more driving, high aggression, fighting, forks and even shotguns.

IMDb rates the movie at 8.6/10, but I would say overall, the movie is at least a 9.5. This movie is incredible, you should grab some candy and possibly a Brooklyn Lager from Curzon, and go see it.

There is a lot of violence, but it is necessary. I will be seeing this movie for a second time soon.


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